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Date : Wed, 07-Dec-2016
Day :
Welcome to Sri S Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College.
Sattur - 626203
Dr. S. Ganeshram
Principal's Desk
The purpose of education is to teach our children to think and prosper in a progressive manner. Students should understand the significance of planning and prioritizing their time and effort, which is essential to achieve success.
Students should have the ability to discover the cause and effect of every event. They must not surrender to youthful fancies and indulgences. They should always be steady in their studies and prepare themselves for the next day. Seriousness and sincerity in the classroom and dedication through hard work leads to success.
They must learn to preserve our heritage, traditions and environment for themselves as well as for the next generation.
Parents should remember that their wards should never be forced but guided to achieve their objectives in an easy and fruitful manner.
Our institution has excellent infrastructure with sincere and experienced faculty . I wish all the young, budding students to utilize the facilities extended by our college.
Hard work, dedication, commitment and perseverance are the most vital attributes for a person to march towards success. The future is yours. So, you need to prepare yourself to succeed amidst the cut-throat competition prevailing in the global arena.
As understood rightly, teaching is not just transmitting knowledge, but more importantly, forming and transforming young people.
“We cannot always build the future for our youth…..
We can build our youth for the future.”
“The reward for every good action will be good only.”
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